This course explores how to access and use the Centracs Map Editor to maximize the information you can receive about you.

By the end of the training session, participants will be able to:

  • Access maps, the map legend, and other options
  • Using the Map Editor to add traffic signals, signs, and other indicators to the map
  • Set up objects to provide real-time information to your traffic management center

Click the Enroll button below the lesson list to register for the course. An Outlook invitation will be sent to you for the closest scheduled session.

Note: To enroll for this course, you have to be a registered user of the ELMS. Go to the ELMS Main page to register for access.

Course Developer:

Econolite Learning Center Econolite Learning Center

Course Information:

Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Difficulty: Basic


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This class is for Econolite employees, distributors, and customers.