The Econolite Advantage
It is well understood that one of the most critical components of a signalized intersection is the Econolite controller cabinet. The Econolite controller cabinet houses the signal controller and other vital intersection electronic equipment that manages traffic flow and ensures safety for all roadway users.
Safetran (an Econolite company) has provided
more than three decades of leading innovation and service through close alignment with its customers and the industry. Safetran’s focus, along with its people and their experience, in providing traffic management solutions for New York Department of Transportation (NYDOT), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Federal Highway Administration (FWHA), and Transportation Electrical Equipment Specifications (TEES) projects and standards is unequalled in the industry. As a result, Safetran provides an ideal combination of specification- and customer-driven cabinet solutions to the traffic industry with unparalleled factory support and service.